Veterans Day honors all those who served in all U.S. wars. This observance began in 1919, on the first anniversary of Armistice Day, the end of World War I. A few years later in 1921, it was commemorated with the burial of an unknown soldier from World War I at Arlington National Cemetery. In 1938, it became a national holiday. Saturday, November 11 is the official holiday.
Local Events
Each year, a ceremony is held at the Tomb of the Unknowns near our nation’s capital. Other tributes are held around the country, including the placement of flowers or wreaths on the graves of service men and women at cemeteries.
There are many local events taking place including:
Friday, November 10
Free Veterans Day Meal to honor veterans for their service, Adams Memorial Hospital will be offering a free meal for all veterans and one special guest in the café.
Saturday, November 11
Huntington Veterans Day 5K and Bike Ride. includes a scenic 5K, one mile Family Fun Walk or the 17-mile Bike Ride. Free refreshments and top place awards will be given out following the race on-site. This race benefits local veterans memorials such as the Purple Heart Gateway Arch and Memorial Park.
Saturday, November 11
15th Annual Veterans Marathon and Heroes 5K includes a marathon and half marathon and honoring the Air Force. The Heros 5K will honor the Whitley County EMTs. The American Legion Post 157 in Churubusco will receive 50% of the Veterans Marathon profits; 25% will be donated to the Whitley County EMTs.
Sunday, November 12
Veterans Day Concert at Zion Lutheran Church in Ft. Wayne features the Old Crown Brass Band. The performance benefits Honor Flight.
Resources and Support
Below are several local resources for those who served our country. In addition to providing assistance, many of these organizations also accept donations or utilize volunteers—perfect ways to support our local heros.
Allen County Council of Veterans Organizations—Provides support to military veterans of all eras experiencing hardships or needing assistance to navigate veterans’ affairs.
Fort Wayne Vet Center—Offers confidential help for veterans, service members and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Services include counseling and connecting veterans to the appropriate community resource.
Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs—Committed to providing quality services, benefits and programming, and devoted to enhancing and expanding Indiana’s resources to veterans.
Ivy Tech Community College Veteran Affairs Office—Serves as a liaison between students who are veterans, their dependents and the Department of Veteran Affairs. Veterans may be eligible for financial assistance. Ivy Tech Community College is approved for enrollment certification of students eligible to receive educational assistance (G.I. Bill) from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Soldiers’ Angels—Dedicated to serving past and present heroes in a variety of ways such as food assistance, caregiver support and holiday help.
At Heritage Pointe of Warren, we honor, respect, and show our appreciation to our residents who are veterans, every day of the year. We will celebrate Veterans Day with special programming including live music, presenting the flag, and reading all of our veterans’ names.